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Offices & Departments

Office / Department Building Email Phone Fax
Academic Centers for Excellence Lilly Library koppelmz@wabash.edu 765.361.6024  
Admissions Trippet Hall admissions@wabash.edu 765.361.6225
Advancement Office Kane House advancement@wabash.edu 765.361.6365 765.361.6424
Alumni & Affinity Group Engagement Hays Alumni Center alumni@wabash.edu 765.361.6360 765.361.6070
Allen Athletics Center athletics@wabash.edu 765.361.6220 765.361.6447
Sparks Center catering@wabash.edu 765.361.6402  
Bookstore Sparks Center bookstore@wabash.edu 765.361.6095 765.361.6229
Box Office Fine Arts Center boxoffice@wabash.edu 765.361.6411  
Business Office Center Hall businessoffice@wabash.edu 765.361.6326 765.361.6433
Business Office-Accounts Payable Center Hall accountspayable@wabash.edu 765.361.6417 765.361.6433
Business Office-Student Accounts Center Hall studentaccounts@wabash.edu 765.361.6421 765.361.6433
Campus Services Maintenance Building campserv@wabash.edu 765.361.6383  
Career Services Arnold House career@wabash.edu 765.361.6414 765.361.6080
Trippet Hall liberalarts@wabash.edu 765.361.6250 765.361.6475
Communications and Marketing Hovey Cottage communications@wabash.edu 765.361.6396  
Counseling Center Kendall House counseling@wabash.edu 765.361.5592  
Dean of Students Office Center Hall studentdean@wabash.edu 765.361.6310 765.361.6432
Dean of the College’s Office Center Hall collegedean@wabash.edu 765.361.6224 765.361.6432
Disability Services Center Hall thrushh@wabash.edu 765.361.6347  
Educational Technology Center Lilly Library media@wabash.edu 765.361.6174 765.361.6295
Financial Aid Trippet Hall financialaid@wabash.edu 765.361.6370 765.361.6166
Fellowships Lilly Library albrechs@wabash.edu 765.361.6216 765.361.6295
Health Services Allen Athletics Center amidonc@wabash.edu 765.361.6265 765.361.6269
Human Resources Center Hall hr@wabash.edu 765.361.6418 765.361.6433
Information Technology Services Baxter Hall computing@wabash.edu 765.361.6302 765.361.6277
IT Help Desk Baxter Hall helpdesk@wabash.edu 765.361.6400  
Institutional Research Center Hall dalenbed@wabash.edu 765.361.6288  
International Students and Off-Campus Studies International Center weira@wabash.edu 765.361.6078  
Lilly Library beckj@wabash.edu 765.361.6442  
Malcolm X Institute of Black Studies Malcolm X Institute mxi@wabash.edu 765.361.6384  
Office of Student Enrichment Lilly Library koppelmz@wabash.edu 765.361.6024  
Parent Relations Hays Alumni Center parents@wabash.edu 765.361.6057  
President’s Office Center Hall president@wabash.edu 765.361.6221 765.361.6461
Public Affairs Hovey Cottage amidonj@wabash.edu 765.361.6396 765.361.6424
Purchasing Sparks Center purchasing@wabash.edu 765.361.6227 765.361.6229
Registrar Center Hall registrar@wabash.edu 765.361.6416 765.361.6432
Scheduler Center Hall scheduler@wabash.edu 765.361.6290  
Security Maintenance Building security@wabash.edu 765.361.6000  
The Stephenson Institute for Classical Liberalism Stephenson House Stephenson_Institute@wabash.edu 765.361.6290  
Student Life Office Center Hall studentdean@wabash.edu 765.361.6310 765.361.6432
Title IX Center Hall thrushh@wabash.edu 765.361.6347  
Trippet Hall trippet@wabash.edu 765.361.6490  
Wabash Center wabashcenter@wabash.edu 765.361.6047 765.361.6051
Wabash Pastoral Leadership Program Trippet Hall hasslerr@wabash.edu 765.361.6327  
Wabash Women’s Collective Hays Alumni Center womenscollective@wabash.edu 765.361.6057  
Web Services Hovey Cottage webmaster@wabash.edu 765.361.6087  
Writing Center Lilly Library koppelmz@wabash.edu 765.361.6024  
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