ࡱ> @M?u( / 00DArialngsRomanLLnԖb0ԖDTimes New RomanLLnԖb0Ԗ DVerdanaw RomanLLnԖb0Ԗ"0DWingdingsRomanLLnԖb0Ԗ A .  @n?" dd@  @@`` p-8 5()    () ! "#$%&'()*+, 0AA@83ʚ;ʚ;g4BdBd &b0^ppp@ <4ddddi0Ln 80___PPT10 ?  %Windows SecurityTech Talk 9/25/07What is a virus?A computer program designed to self replicate without permission from the end user The program can simply be annoying (displaying messages), or it can be damaging (deleting files) A Program written and distributed by a personHow do you get a virus?Documents Macros Email attachments File sharing applications External disks (CD s, Flash Drives)What ITS is doing on campusScans all email messages for viruses Protects servers against know vulnerabilities Operates firewalls and gateways to block virus activity Freeze public computers to prevent spreading Installs and configures Sophos Anti-virus on campus computers What is Spyware?A computer program designed to monitor your activity The program can collect information silently and then sell that information to advertisers The program can cause annoying pop up messages and/or redirect your web browser How do you get spyware?Pop up ads Attached to freeware or shareware Almost all file sharing applications come with spyware Disguised as security software or anti-spyware programs,\(  What ITS is doing on campusFilter email messages known to cause spyware (Postini) Freeze public computers to prevent spyware Installs and configures Webroot Spysweeper on campus computersb%%  What you can do at homeRun Windows Update to download the latest security patches Schedule Windows Updates to install automatically to help you remember (control panel) Turn on your pop up blocker and phishing filter (IE7) What you can do at homeUInstall anti-virus software Norton McAfee Trend Micro Keep your software up to date 6  What you can do at homeInstall anti-spyware software Webroot Spysweeper Microsoft Windows Defender Ad-Aware Spyware Doctor Spybot Keep your software up to date6MMb   % What you can do at homeInstall a Windows Firewall A Firewall monitors and restricts information that travels between your computer and the Internet Windows XP firewall (control panel) Norton Zone Alarm&}6}6 What you can do at home(Don t install programs you don t need Avoid freeware programs Resist pop-up ads that tell you that you won something, or that wants to fix somethingJ 0` ___ff3ff` ___33f̙ffff` CCC` d___a%qw` *(Z___fFQt` 6CCCff3` CCCff` CCCf3f` f333ff` f333f3̙>?" dd@$?Fd@l A@lF`< n?" dd@   @@``PP   @ ` `(p>>    T (  RT ``   "`` B  C H@AB}C}EvFGxGH`I{QUNVWX}} }}}} `$ }} }}  G H I }} }} }}           `  `` "(`  20#B  C H4z@AB}C}EvFGFH`I}QUNVWX}} }}}} `$ }} }}  G H I }} }} }}           `  `` " ( hB  s *D1"``  <  "_^  T Click to edit Master title style! !*  6h "_^  RClick to edit Master text styles Second level Third level Fourth level Fifth level!     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"#$%&'()*+, 0AA@83ʚ;ʚ;g4BdBd &b0^ppp@ <4ddddi0Ln 80___PPT10 ?  %Windows SecurityTech Talk 9/25/07What is a virus?A computer program designed to self replicate without permission from the end user The program can simply be annoying (displaying messages), or it can be damaging (deleting files) A Program written and distributed by a personHow do you get a virus?Documents Macros Email attachments File sharing applications External disks (CD s, Flash Drives)What ITS is doing on campusScans all email messages for viruses Protects servers against know vulnerabilities Operates firewalls and gateways to block virus activity Freeze public computers to prevent spreading Installs and configures Sophos Anti-virus on campus computers What is Spyware?A computer program designed to monitor your activity The program can collect information silently and then sell that information to advertisers The program can cause annoying pop up messages and/or redirect your web browser How do you get spyware?Pop up ads Attached to freeware or shareware Almost all file sharing applications come with spyware Disguised as security software or anti-spyware programs,\(  What ITS is doing on campusFilter email messages known to cause spyware (Postini) Freeze public computers to prevent spyware Installs and configures Webroot Spysweeper on campus computersb%%  What you can do at homeRun Windows Update to download the latest security patches Schedule Windows Updates to install automatically to help you remember (control panel) Turn on your pop up blocker and phishing filter (IE7) What you can do at homeUInstall anti-virus software Norton McAfee Trend Micro Keep your software up to date 6  What you can do at homeInstall anti-spyware software Webroot Spysweeper Microsoft Windows Defender Ad-Aware Spyware Doctor Spybot Keep your software up to date6MMb   % What you can do at homeInstall a Windows Firewall A Firewall monitors and restricts information that travels between your computer and the Internet Windows XP firewall (control panel) Norton Zone Alarm&}6}6 What you can do at homepDon t install programs you don t need Avoid freeware programs Resist pop-up ads that tell you that you won something, or that wants to fix something Use Junk mail filters on your emailrQc -cx1( / 00DArialngsRomanLLnԖb0ԖDTimes New RomanLLnԖb0Ԗ DVerdanaw RomanLLnԖb0Ԗ"0DWingdingsRomanLLnԖb0Ԗ A .  @n?" dd@  @@`` p-8 5()    () ! "#$%&'()*+, 0AA@83ʚ;ʚ;g4BdBd &b0^ppp@ <4ddddi0Ln 80___PPT10 ?  %Windows SecurityTech Talk 9/25/07What is a virus?A computer program designed to self replicate without permission from the end user The program can simply be annoying (displaying messages), or it can be damaging (deleting files) A Program written and distributed by a personHow do you get a virus?Documents Macros Email attachments File sharing applications External disks (CD s, Flash Drives)What ITS is doing on campusScans all email messages for viruses Protects servers against know vulnerabilities Operates firewalls and gateways to block virus activity Freeze public computers to prevent spreading Installs and configures Sophos Anti-virus on campus computers What is Spyware?A computer program designed to monitor your activity The program can collect information silently and then sell that information to advertisers The program can cause annoying pop up messages and/or redirect your web browser How do you get spyware?Pop up ads Attached to freeware or shareware Almost all file sharing applications come with spyware Disguised as security software or anti-spyware programs,\(  What ITS is doing on campusFilter email messages known to cause spyware (Postini) Freeze public computers to prevent spyware Installs and configures Webroot Spysweeper on campus computersb%%  What you can do at homeRun Windows Update to download the latest security patches Schedule Windows Updates to install automatically to help you remember (control panel) Turn on your pop up blocker and phishing filter (IE7) What you can do at homeUInstall anti-virus software Norton McAfee Trend Micro Keep your software up to date 6  What you can do at homeInstall anti-spyware software Webroot Spysweeper Microsoft Windows Defender Ad-Aware Spyware Doctor Spybot Keep your software up to date6MMb   % What you can do at homeInstall a Windows Firewall A Firewall monitors and restricts information that travels between your computer and the Internet Windows XP firewall (control panel) Norton Zone Alarm&}6}6 What you can do at homepDon t install programs you don t need Avoid freeware programs Resist pop-up ads that tell you that you won something, or that wants to fix something Use Junk mail filters on your emailrJx &x1  !"#$%&B(*+,-./0123456789:;<=ACDEFGHIJKL)OP'Root EntrydO)0j\N Current User%)SummaryInformation(PowerPoint Document(CDocumentSummaryInformation88d@  @@`` p-8 5()    () ! "#$%&'()*+, 0AA@83ʚ;ʚ;g4BdBd &b0^ppp@ <4ddddi0Ln 80___PPT10 ?  %Windows SecurityTech Talk 9/25/07What is a virus?A computer program designed to self replicate without permission from the end user The program can simply be annoying (displaying messages), or it can be damaging (deleting files) A Program written and distributed by a personHow do you get a virus?Documents Macros Email attachments File sharing applications External disks (CD s, Flash Drives)What ITS is doing on campusScans all email messages for viruses Protects servers against know vulnerabilities Operates firewalls and gateways to block virus activity Freeze public computers to prevent spreading Installs and configures Sophos Anti-virus on campus computers What is Spyware?A computer program designed to monitor your activity The program can collect information silently and then sell that information to advertisers The program can cause annoying pop up messages and/or redirect your web browser How do you get spyware?Pop up ads Attached to freeware or shareware Almost all file sharing applications come with spyware Disguised as security software or anti-spyware programs,\(  What ITS is doing on campusFilter email messages known to cause spyware (Postini) Freeze public computers to prevent spyware Installs and configures Webroot Spysweeper on campus computersb%%  What you can do at homeRun Windows Update to download the latest security patches Schedule Windows Updates to install automatically to help you remember (control panel) Turn on your pop up blocker and phishing filter (IE7) What you can do at homeUInstall anti-virus software Norton McAfee Trend Micro Keep your software up to date 6  What you can do at homeInstall anti-spyware software Webroot Spysweeper Microsoft Windows Defender Ad-Aware Spyware Doctor Spybot Keep your software up to date6MMb   % What you can do at homeInstall a Windows Firewall A Firewall monitors and restricts information that travels between your computer and the Internet Windows XP firewall (control panel) Norton Zone Alarm&}6}6 What you can do at homepDon t install programs you don t need Avoid freeware programs Resist pop-up ads that tell you that you won something, or that wants to fix something Use Junk mail filters on your email$ 0 $(  r  S 8}_^   r  S V_^  H  0޽h ? ___ff3ff80___PPT10.Ʉr$L` Lc1( / 00DArialngsRomanLLnԖb0ԖD  !"#$Oh+'0 hp   Title goes hereITSEclipseITS20Microsoft Office PowerPoint@Z@v@@>UYGg  T2  y--$xx--'--%,,--'--2$ "&*.38<AEI MPSUUU--'ff--2$    $(, 0 4 8<?BEEE --'@Arial-. ff2 (Windows Security ."Systemp7-@"Verdana-. 2 D Tech Talke.-@"Verdana-. 2 M9/25/07.-